GPO Sponsored Archer Sharon Wallace Captures Win at 2nd Leg IBO National Triple Crown Event



RICHMOND, Va. (July 16, 2020) — GPO USA-sponsored archery competitor Sharon Wallace captured the winning title at the 2nd Leg IBO National Triple Crown shoot held July 10-12 in Franklin, Pa.

Day one of the shoot met the competitors with heavy rain and winds, making it a challenging day for all. Fortunately, for Wallace, her GPO Passion binoculars assisted her in keeping pace despite Mother Nature. Day two, Wallace was able to shoot four up putting her only four points behind the leader. In the final shoot down, Wallace’s true talents shined as she did something never done before by any pro in unknown 3D archery – she scored bonus rings on every single one at her last five targets running four inside out 12 rings and an 11 to come back and capture the title.

“I am so proud of my performance this past weekend.” said Wallace. “It was so exciting and rewarding to come from behind and have such a great finish. I couldn’t have done any of it without my sponsors like GPO for believing in me and providing me with equipment that can put me on the podium.”

Sharon’s choice of binoculars is the GPO Passion 10×42 HD.

The International Bowhunting Organization (IBO) was created in 1984 by a dedicated group of bowhunters who shared the desire to ensure that bowhunting and the ideals of wildlife conservation survive, expand and flourish to be shared, enjoyed and passed on to the future generations. In 1989, the IBO established a series of sanctioned tournaments worldwide in which participants may qualify to compete in an annual finale to be held in a large and accommodating, destination-type venue. Presently, hundreds of local and regional bowhunting clubs host qualifying events for the opportunity to participate in 3-D Archery’s largest and most prestigious event – The IBO World Championship.


German Precision Optics was founded on the premise that design, engineering and quality management is 100-percent controlled in Germany to its strictest standards, yet products can be produced at some of the largest production facilities around the world. This unique corporate structure allows GPO to offer the highest quality products with better features at a significantly better price. Founded in 2016, GPO has its U.S. headquarters in Richmond, Va. For more information on GPO USA visit or call 844-MY BINOS (844) 692-4667.

Editorial Contact:

Karen Lutto

Hunter Outdoor Communications

(210) 451-9113 – office

(804) 539-6699 – cell

[email protected]

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